WELCOME to the ECS Parents page!
One Page for All Campuses
Please click on the links below for information about each ECS campus. The best way to stay up-to-date with all things ECS is through our weekly EAGLE VIEW newsletter emailed on Thursdays at 4:00 p.m. during the school year, and by following us on social media: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. For athletics news and score updates, follow ECS Eagles Athletics on Twitter and on Instagram. If you have any questions, please call or email your campus Administrative Assistant, and she will be happy to help you!
Click here to log in to the Parent Portal
to update your ECS website user profile including contact information.
- Lower School Calendar
- Upper Elementary School Calendar
- Middle School Calendar
- High School Calendar
- ECS Dictionary
Lower School Calendar
Lower School Calendar
Please notify the Lower School Office of your child’s absence by calling 901.754.4420 or via email
Parents may call 901.754.4420 or email to request missed assignments. Parents who need to take students out of school during the day must call the Lower School Office to sign them out and must also call to sign them back in upon return to school.
For the safety of our students and school community, the Lower School is a secure building. All visitors must sign in and out through Raptor via the main office when entering school building.
Grades School Day Times
- SK- 3rd grade 8:15 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
- LE - JK 8:45 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Lower School Carpool Map
If a family has multiple children with varying arrival/dismissal times, they may arrive at the earliest time, and younger children will wait in their classrooms until their school day begins. Likewise, they may also wait in their classrooms until their older siblings are dismissed for the day. Teachers will walk them to meet their oldest sibling.
Julie McDaniel,, is the Director of Before and After Care services. Before Care is offered from 7:00 a.m. until the start of school as a free service.
After Care, from end of school day until 6:00 p.m., is an additional charge and requires registration. NO DROP-INS ALLOWED THIS YEAR. Information and registration for this service can be found here.
All students in grades Little Eagles-3rd grade wear uniforms Monday-Thursday each week. Every Friday is logo wear day. Logo wear can be purchased at Orientation, from the ECS Soaring Eagle Shop on the Shelby Farms campus or online from their site found on the ECS website under the ECS Life tab—ECS Soaring Eagle Shop.
Specific uniform guidelines, as well as non-uniform guidelines, can be found under Lower School in the documents below.
Uniforms which were previously owned are available for sale by parents on the ECS Uniform Resale group on Facebook.
Upper Elementary School Calendar
Upper Elementary School Calendar
Middle School Calendar
Middle School Calendar
Absences - All student absences must be reported daily before 9:30 a.m. by calling the HS/MS office at 901-754-7217. A note that specifies the reason for each absence is required and must be submitted to the HS/MS office upon return to school.
Checking In/Out - Please have your student sign in at the HS/MS office if he/she is late to school. A note from a parent/guardian is required when signing in. Similarly, if your student needs to leave school early for a doctor’s appointment or other reason, he/she will also need a note in order to sign out and receive a pass to leave class at the requested time of dismissal. Sports team dismissals do not need a note.
AfterCare - The Middle School day ends at 3:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and at 2:35 p.m. on Wednesday and Friday. Students are to be in the assigned room 15 minutes after bell doing their homework until they leave campus. All MS students must be picked up by 6:00 p.m. MS students should not be anywhere else on campus, unless they are involved in an after school club or sport.
Keycards - ALL MS students are required to have their keycard on their person during the school day. If a card is lost, please inform the HS/MS office so that a new one can be ordered. A replacement keycard will cost $10.
Lunch - Students eat lunch daily in the SUB and have the option to purchase food or bring their own lunches. Students must pay for their purchases through their Creative Dining account. Students purchasing through their Creative Dining account must have a balance to cover each purchase; students will not be able to purchase through their account if there is a zero or negative balance. No provision is made for refrigeration. Students should not use glass containers for their lunches.
Lost and Found - Items left in the MS building will be taken to the HS/MS office and placed in the Sick Room. Students and parents are welcome to come before school starts to check for their lost items.
Cell phones - Cell phones may be brought to school but must be turned off during school hours. Students are to keep their cell phones in their backpacks. Emergency calls can be made to or from the HS/MS office.
High School Calendar
For a full listing of Upper School Athletics events, click here for the Athletics page.
Upper School Calendar
Absences - Please report a student's absence by 9:30 a.m. by calling the HS/MS office at 901-754-7217 or email Jana Johnson at jjohnson@ecseagles for HS or Wendy Joachim at for MS. Parent confirmation of any excused absence is required.
Checking In/Out - Have your student sign in the HS/MS office if he/she is late to school. If it is excused, a note from a parent or doctor, dentist, etc., is required. If a student needs to leave early, please have them bring a note to the office before school, email Jana Johnson at jjohnson@ecseagles for HS or Wendy Joachim at for MS, or call (901) 754-7217 to confirm the time of dismissal. A pass will be provided for the student to leave at the requested time. They MUST SIGN OUT IN THE HS OFFICE BEFORE LEAVING!
After School - The school day ends at 3:30 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and at 2:35 p.m. on Wednesday and Friday. HS students should not be anywhere on campus after school, other than a school sport or club.
Keycards - ALL HS students are required to have their keycard on their person during the school day. If a card is lost, please inform the HS office so that a new one can be ordered. A replacement keycard will cost $10.
Lunch - Students eat lunch daily in the assigned area and have the option to purchase food or bring their own lunches. Students must pay for their purchases through their Creative Dining account a week in advance. Students purchasing through their Creative Dining account must have a balance to cover each purchase; students will not be able to purchase through their account if there is a zero or negative balance. No provision is made for refrigeration. Students should not use glass containers for their lunches.
Lost and Found - Items left in the HS building will be taken to the HS/MS office and placed in the Book Room.
Cell phones - Cell phones may be brought to school. Students are to keep their cell phones in their backpacks or pockets. They may be used in between classes and during Community period. They must not be seen or heard during class time. If students are caught using their phone, or if the phone rings during class time, the student can be given detention.
ECS Dictionary
ECS Dictionary - (E-C-S dik-shƏ-nēr-e) noun Origin: Shelby Farms and Lower School campus - Words and events that are part of the ECS vernacular that Eagle families need to know.
Awards Day
Separate events for HS and MS held in the Mark Brink Auditorium toward the end of the school year, usually in April for HS students and in May for MS during a school day. Academic awards are given to students by teachers, and parents may attend. LS end-of-year awards are given by grade near the end of the school year.
Chapel is held during Community period in the Mark Brink Auditorium once a week for HS and on another day for MS. Students sit with their small groups, watch a short video clip and answer questions, Worship is student-led worship. Lower School Chapel is held on Friday mornings at 8:30 a.m.
Community Period
Scheduled time for students to meet with clubs, sports teams, or to just hang out in the SUB or Eagle Hall, Snacks are available for purchase in the SUB.
Dog Day
For MS and HS on the Shelby Farms campus, hot dogs, pretzels, chili, pickles, nachos, lemonade, chocolate chip cookies are served by ECS moms during lunch four times a year. Cost is minimal and students pay cash only,
Fall Fest
All 9th -12th grade students and teachers go off campus by bus during the school day for a western-themed day of games, lunch, and line dancing in October. Cost is charged through SmartTuition.
A capella group for US
Friday Fun Day
MS/US lunch time in the SUB with music and faculty DJ's
Grandparents Day
Special program and activities by students to honor their grandparents who are invited to attend. This celebration alternates between the Lower School campus and the Shelby Farms campus each year.
Homecoming Dance
HS event held in the Legacy Center after the Homecoming football game from 9:00-11:30 p.m. Dress is casual and faculty/staff chaperone. Students cannot leave dance and come back in and the must have permission from principal to leave early.
Homecoming Week
Special week during football season and sponsored by the HS Leadership Council. Each day has a different dress up theme for MS and for HS,
High School
Logo Wear
Any shirt/sweatshirt with ECS logo. The Soaring Eagle Shop is the only official source for logo wear.
Lower School
Mark Brink Auditorium
Located in the center of the Shelby Farms campus. building used for weekly chapels, MS and US plays/musicals, parent meetings, MS and US student body meetings, etc. It is named for our senior Bible teacher who has taught here for over forty years.
Meet the Teacher Night
MS and HS parent meetings are held soon after the start of school in August. Parents receive their child’s class schedule and walk through the schedule for 10-minute classes during which they are given information from each teacher on the specific subject, grading, and class instruction, UE parent meetings are held on a different night and are according to grade. LS parent meetings are held by grade during the day soon after the start of the school year.
Moms in Prayer
Led by our Parent Teacher Fellowship, all parents are invited to attend, each Friday morning in the World View Center located in the Academic Resource Center.
Middle School
Powder Puff
Flag football game held during Homecoming Fall week in which the junior girls play the senior girls and guys coach and cheer. The US/MS student body and faculty/staff attend.
Juniors and seniors only attend. Students can bring guests from other schools with signed permission form signed. Dress is formal and is held at an off campus venue. Tickets will be sold in the SUB during lunch the week of the dance.
PTF (Parent Teacher Fellowship)
All parents are invited to join. PTF serves our faculty/staff and parents throughout the school year with meals, sweet treats, prayer and gifts.
Small Groups
Discipleship groups (same gender) of 7-10 students within each grade, 7-12, led by a faculty/staff member.
Student Leadership Council
Selected through an application and interview process the previous year, these students serve and lead the HS student body through various activities, events, and directives over the course of the school year. This council is led by six prefects who provide leadership over six core areas of the school.
Student Leadership Council Dance
Student Leadership Council sponsored dance for 9th-12th grade students. Girls ask guys, and dress is semi-formal at an off-campus venue. Tickets are sold during lunch in the SUB the week of dance. This event usually takes place around Valentine’s Day.
The Student Union Building (cafeteria)
Valentine’s Dance
Student Council sponsored dance for 9th-12th grade students. Girls ask guys, and dress is formal dress at an off-campus venue. Tickets are sold during lunch in the SUB the week of dance.
Winter Formal
For students 9th-12th grades. Guests from outside ECS must get a permission form (on website) signed. Dance is at an off-campus location, and tickets are purchased in the SUB during lunch the week before/week of the dance.
Early Childhood / Lower School Information
- Week at a Glance
- School Forms
- Lunch Information
- School Policies
- Who Do I Contact?
- After School Care
- Uniform Information
- Student Insurance
Week at a Glance
School Forms
Lunch Information
School Policies
Who Do I Contact?
If you have an issue at ECS, whom do you contact? This chart provides information about those procedures.
After School Care
Uniform Information
ECS uniforms for 2024-2025 can be purchased at the Soaring Eagle Shop . Click here for shop hours and information regarding online ordering.
Student Insurance
Upper Elementary Information
- Week at a Glance
- School Forms
- Uniform Information
- Lunch Information
- Policies
- Who Do I Contact?
- After School Care
- Student Insurance
Week at a Glance
School Forms
Uniform Information
ECS uniforms for 2024-2025 can be purchased at the Soaring Eagle Shop . Click here for shop hours and information regarding online ordering
Lunch Information
Who Do I Contact?
If you have an issue at ECS, whom do you contact? This chart provides information about those procedures.
After School Care
Student Insurance
Middle School Information
- Week at a Glance
- School Forms
- Uniform Information
- Lunch Information
- Policies
- Who Do I Contact?
- After School Care
- Student Insurance
Week at a Glance
School Forms
Uniform Information
ECS uniforms for 2024-2025 can be purchased at the Soaring Eagle Shop . Click here for shop hours and information regarding online ordering.
Lunch Information
To view the daily US/MS Bell Schedule, log in to the Parent Portal here.
Who Do I Contact?
If you have an issue at ECS, whom do you contact? This chart provides information about those procedures.
After School Care
Student Insurance
High School Information
- Week at a Glance
- School Forms
- Uniform Information
- Lunch Information
- Policies
- Who Do I Contact?
- Student Insurance
Week at a Glance
School Forms
*Note that you should complete the Parent Form(s) through the website, not from the ECS Eagles app. You will be directed to a Thank You page when you have successfully submitted your Parent Form(s). If you do not see this confirmation, you may want to access the forms through a different browser. ALSO, please make sure you have entered your information correctly and completely before submitting as the responses cannot be edited after submitted. Thank you!
Uniform Information
ECS uniforms for 2024-2025 can be purchased at the Soaring Eagle Shop . Click here for shop hours and information regarding online ordering.
Lunch Information
To view the daily US/MS Bell Schedule, log in to the Parent Portal here.
Who Do I Contact?
If you have an issue at ECS, whom do you contact? This chart provides information about those procedures.
Student Insurance
Scott Hauss
Head of School
Jenny Shorten
Assistant Head of School/Academic Dean
Rachel Twiford
Head of School Executive Assistant
Scott Vogel
Tonya Box
Operations Assistant
Ryan Cummins
High School Principal
Andy Gross
Middle School Principal
Luke Matzke
Upper Elementary Principal
Jana Johnson
HS Administrative Assistant
Wendy Joachim
MS Administrative Assistant
Meredith Novarese
UE Administrative Assistant
Susan Bass
UE Administrative Assistant
Cindy Garrison
UE Administrative Assistant
Scott Vogel
Athletics Director
April Spain
Associate Athletics Director for Girls Operations
Rob Dawson
Associate Athletics Director for Boys Operations
Janie Peeler
Assistant Athletics Director
Suzanne Acuff
Director of Student Services
Alicia Armes
Director of College Counseling
Tina Greene
Associate Director of College Counseling
Allison Thetford
Guidance Registrar
Ashley Colley
Lower School Principal
Bess Farris
Early Childhood Director
Amelia Howard
Administrative Assistant
Kristen Grigson
Office Assistant
Jason Redd
Lower School Athletics Director
High/Middle School (7th-12th grades) Hours
Mon., Tues., Thurs. 8:45 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Wed., Fri. 8:45 a.m.-2:35 p.m.
Upper Elementary School (4th-6th grades) Hours
Mon., Tues., Thurs. 8:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Wed., Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Lower School (Little Eagles - 3rd Grade) Hours
Little Eagles-JK: 8:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
SK-3rd Grade: 8:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Shelby Farms Campus Office Hours
7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Lower School Office Hours
7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.