Parenting is hard.

That’s why as a part of our mission to partner with parents means that we come alongside our parents and equip them with biblical resources for the journey ahead. In our Partnering with Parents Speaker Series, we host well known Christian speakers such as David Thomas who spoke on “3 Things Kids Need from Parents” and Dr. Tim Kimmel who spoke on “Grace-Based Parenting.” Each of them shared their advice to encourage parents in the trenches of discipling the next generation in Christ. 


Next up in our Partnering with Parents Speaker Series


Click here to purchase tickets.


We are so excited to host Sophie Hudson, aka Boo Mama, a well known blogger and podcaster covering topics including faith, family, friends, football, fashion and food. Sophie will join us for our next Mentoring Moms dinner and speak on "That Leadership Thing." 

So often as moms we can rattle off the 472 things we do every single day to take care of our families, but for some reason there's one word that many of us are reluctant to use to describe ourselves - leader. Here's the reality, though - you are a primary leader in the life of your child(ren), and not only that - you are uniquely equipped for it! You are in that place of leadership on purpose, and we're going to talk about what it looks like to accept your role as a leader, identify your leadership strengths, and call on the power of community to fill your leadership gaps. Join us as we dig into the book of Exodus and examine some of the lessons there; you'll be encouraged as a woman and as a mom!


Sophie Hudson loves to laugh more than just about anything, and she hopes that through her stories, people find encouragement and hope in the everyday, joy-filled moments of life. Sophie speaks regularly to groups across the country, and for seventeen years, has co-hosted The Big Boo Cast with her friend and fellow author Melanie Shankle. A graduate of Mississippi State University and the author of seven books, Sophie loves cheering like crazy at live sporting events and watching entire seasons of TV shows in record time. She lives with her family in Birmingham.