Parenting is hard.
That’s why as a part of our mission to partner with parents means that we come alongside our parents and equip them with biblical resources for the journey ahead. In our Partnering with Parents Speaker Series, we host well known Christian speakers such as David Thomas who spoke on “3 Things Kids Need from Parents” and Dr. Tim Kimmel who spoke on “Grace-Based Parenting.” Each of them shared their advice to encourage parents in the trenches of discipling the next generation in Christ.
Dads, join us as Harvest Lead Pastor and ECS parent Kennon Vaughan shares on "An Unexpected Reset: The Way a Plane Crash Shaped Our Perspective on Parenting." We live in a day in which fear can easily drive our parenting decisions, and cultural idols are infringing on our family time and values. Dr. Vaughan will speak honestly about these realities, and how we can combat them with gospel-driven parenting. Since surviving a plane crash in 2023, Dr. Vaughan's perspective on parenting shifted. Join us as he shares about the critical importance and strategic intentionality of staying connected to our kids' hearts as they go through each season of life, so that when we launch them at 18, we have divested "control" for "influence."
Registration is now open. Click here to register by October 4!
Registration opens on September 26.