Bible class, Christian education, private school

Bible classes at ECS flow from the mission of the school to provide a “Christ-centered, biblically directed education.” This Christo-centric mission is reflected in each Bible course, rooted in the Bible as the primary text, and the courses are designed for students to gain a solid grasp on the overall storyline of the Bible and its key themes from Genesis to Revelation, seeing how God’s redemptive plan culminates in and flows from the person and work of Jesus Christ. We pray, by the power of the Holy Spirit, for each student to then know and love Christ and seek to live lives for His glory and the good of others. Teachers of our Bible classes understand the Bible is not just a typical textbook. Rather, they believe the Bible to be God’s timeless revelation of Himself and his plan of redemption that magnifies the truth, beauty, and goodness of Christ. Therefore our teachers, depending upon the Holy Spirit, engage their students with its truth and relevance to their lives today through study, open dialogue, and application.



Robert Jones
Bible Department Chair;
Senior Bible Teacher

Caitlin Gentry
11th Grade Bible Teacher

John Grant
10th Grade Bible Teacher

David Carter
9th Grade Bible Teacher

Tommy Evans
7th/8th Grades Bible Teacher

Jack Webb
4th/5th/6th Grades Bible Teacher