The Visual Arts at ECS strives to engage our students in worship and understanding of our Creator God through materials, processes, expression and experiences. We seek to understand God more fully as we explore truth, beauty and goodness in visual form.




Drawing and Design

Drawing and Design is the exploration of both drawing and the elements and principles of design. Students learn the building blocks of the visual world by experiencing, experimenting and creating works of art as well as the fundamentals of drawing in pencil and discovering other 2-D media like printmaking.

Course objective: For students to know God more fully through His creation, understanding of His design, and the application of His design and creativity of in their artwork.


Watercolor is the introduction of painting with the media of watercolor paint. This 2-D course dives into the process and procedure of watercolor painting. Students work with various papers and brushes to create original work in this transparent media. While we will build on the elements and principles of design covered in Drawing and Design, this class is a stand-alone course and can be taken by High School students.

Course Objective: To pursue excellence in the elements and principles of design specifically using watercolor paint.  


Acrylic is the introduction of painting with the media of acrylic paint. This 2-D course introduces the process and procedure of painting and material stewardship while developing skills and techniques.  Students will work vertically on canvas using easels, palettes and paint. While we will be building on the elements and principles of design covered in Drawing and Design, this class is a stand-alone course and can be taken by High School students.

Course Objective: To pursue excellence in the elements and principles of design specifically using Acrylic paint.

Art 3

AP Studio Art Drawing

Ceramics 2

Dual Enrollment Art History

Student artists in the ECS Visual Arts department have been awarded more than 40 Gold, Silver and Honorable Mentions during the past five years in the Mid-South Regional Scholastic Art Competition as well as a National Silver Key in Sculpture.

Middle School Art

Because we are the image-bearers of the Creator God, middle school art classes strive to encourage students to discover their talents and abilities. We desire for our students to be able to know God more fully through the study of His creation, understanding of His design and application of them in their artwork. Through the study of the basic elements of art and principles of design utilizing a variety of  mediums, students build a foundation to be prepared to pursue mastery in the High School arts. Students are encouraged to give their best effort and to enjoy the result as a gift of praise back to their Creator.


Lower School Art

All senior kindergarten - third grade students explore a range of art media, subject matter, artists, and ideas. Art teacher Anne Smith seeks to expose students to different art-making processes such as painting, drawing, sculpting, printmaking, collage, and multi-media type projects.

In kindergarten and first grade, artists focus on tasks that build fine motor skills. Second and third graders learn a lot about different cultures and art around the world. 

David Butler
Fine Arts Department Chair, Visual Art Instructor, Student Events Coordinator

Lisa Field
Middle School Art Teacher, Yearbook Sponsor

Anna Pearson
Upper Elementary School Art Teacher

Anne Smith
Lower School Art Teacher